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What is overriding your Drupal config?

Something is overriding config in Drupal - you can see it by invoking drush with and without the flag to include overrides:

$ drush cget system.performance | grep -B1 preprocess
  preprocess: false
  preprocess: false
$ drush cget --include-overridden system.performance | grep -B1 preprocess
  preprocess: true
  preprocess: true

Perhaps we want to turn this config off, but these overrides won't let us.

Where are these config overrides coming from?

debugging drupal with firephp

This week I found myself trying to debug some code used in an autocomplete CCK widget on a Drupal site. Because this is code is AJAX and doesn't follow the normal pattern of a full themed drupal page load, many of the unglamorous but useful debugging techniques such as dumping arrays and objects as drupal messages or JS alerts are no help; the only message or alert I was seeing a lot of was a 500 error dialogue.

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